Our topic focus this week was on the various settlements the Romans created in Britain following their invasion.

We began the week by using maps to locate the modern day names of Roman towns such as Bath, Lincoln and St Albans.

We also looked at how these town functioned as places of trade, worship and entertainment.

Year 4 also learnt about the trade roads built by the Romans which connected their towns and enabled them to trade right across the country, from Dover to Hadrian’s wall! The class really enjoyed finding routes using the road names to get from one settlement to the next!

In the following lesson we focused on one of the Roman’s greatest settlements in Britain. We read about how Eboracum (or York as we know it today) was built, how its land was used for resources such as limestone and agriculture, and why the Romans decided to make Eboracum the capital of Britannia.

We created colourful fact files about the town and answered all of the things you might be curious to find out about Roman settlements!

One comment on “Creating fact files about Eboracum-Roman York

  1. Ms Cimmino says:

    Well done Year 4, we are learning so many things about Romans!

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