As part of our ongoing efforts to support families with online safety, today every child has been given a copy of the new issue of Digital Parenting magazine to take home to their parents and carers. The online safety guide for families is a partnership between Parent Zone and Vodafone and a digital version can be found on the Parent Zone website.
Inside you will find advice from teachers, parents and online safety experts on subjects ranging from Virtual Reality, to body image in the social media age, to live streaming. There are tips from online safety experts, parents and children and young people themselves.
There is also an updated guide to setting parental controls on apps and devices, and information on gaming and keeping kids safe while they play.
If you have any questions or concerns about online safety, please speak to Miss Coleman or look at our school website Online Safety page, which we are constantly updating. http://www.stvincentsprimary/school-info/online-safety