Thank you to Ewa, St Vincent’s parent and one of our SVPA Co-chairs, for leading our face painting session at school yesterday. The designs are fabulous! We’re so grateful to all our parents for giving up their time and talents to support us.

Our parents are practising for our Easter Fair, where children can come and get their face painted. Which design will you choose?!

Don’t forget to return your raffle tickets to the office with your name clearly written on it and get making your bonnets for the Easter Bonnet Parade. 

We look forward to seeing you all at our Easter Fair on on Friday 28th March after school!

4 comments on “Easter Face Painting!

  1. Alexander y5 says:

    That looks so fun!

  2. These face paintings are so cute! I am so excited for the Easter Fair.

  3. Great face painting! Good creativity used in these paintings!

  4. Jayne Jones says:

    Brilliant Easter-themed face painting! And it was really easy to take off- no need for anything more than a wipe!

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