This week Reception have been working very hard in their writing lessons.

We have continued learning our Phase 3 sounds. This week we learnt the hard ‘oo’, the soft ‘oo’, ‘ar’ and ‘or’ phonemes.

Reception wrote 8 words! We wrote 2 words for each of the sounds we learnt including: moon, book, march and horn. Everyone worked really hard to sound talk each word, write their letters neatly on the line and form each grapheme correctly.

To help us, we used out phonics sound mats to remind us of what the graphemes look like.

Well done everyone! I am so proud of your writing.

What did you enjoy about our writing lessons this week?

One comment on “English in Reception

  1. Alexandra Y4 🥰😍❤ says:

    Amazing writing Reception! ✍️ You all should be so proud of yourselves.

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