Wow! What an Enterprise week we have had in Year 4!
We decided that our class company would be called Heros Your Pagemark-Save a page today!
This week, our objectives were to design, create, market and sell our Superhero stick bookmarks and see how much profit we could make.
We started our week by coming up with different names for our class company and after a close vote, we decided on Hero Your Pagemark. We then had to design our logo and a slogan to go with it. We knew it had to be catchy so that people would remember it. We came up with-Don’t delay, save a page today!
On Monday, we had to decide what cape colours we would offer to our customers and in Maths we created a tally chart to help us decide the best three colours. It turned out we would create red, yellow and green capes. We then had to turn that data into a bar graph to see it more clearly. We also revisited money and practised our written method calculations involving different money amounts and revising our addition and subtraction skills learnt earlier in the term.
On Tuesday, we looked at advertisements and how they are made to be persuasive as their goal is to make you buy their product. We saw how adverts try to appeal to you by making memorable moments that you can associate with a product. We then had a go at writing our own advert using lots of different persuasive features so that people would want to buy our amazing product. Our teacher became our director as we shot our own advert to showcase our product.
Next on Wednesday, we had a special assembly with the whole school in which we watched all the adverts from the other classes and then had to decide which products we would like to purchase. It was tricky to decide what product we would like to buy. In the afternoon, we made our own prototypes so that we could check that the design process would work. We were also lucky to have some great parent volunteers come into our class to talk about their wonderful careers and what they are responsible for. We learnt so much about different industries and how different roles have to work together to result in a common goal.
Further along on Thursday, it was our product-making day! We split all the orders between the class and worked together to create our superhero bookmarks. We even got our parents to help us out as there were so many orders! Thank you for your hard graft parents! We had some spare product so we got to make extras for some members of our families (don’t tell Mr Sheehan..shhhh!)
Lastly on Friday, we delivered our orders to each class, worked out our profit before paying back the £30 loan from Mr Sheehan and also wrote a reflective piece on our week. It was important to look back and see where next time we can improve and change things to create an even better product.
This week has taught us a lot! We spoke lots about our learning powers as well as learning how to successfully design, create and market a product. Well done Year 4 for your hard work and ideas! You have earnt a restful and relaxing half term break!
Thank you to Mr Sheehan for organising such a fantastic week!
What has been your favourite part of Enterprise Week and why?