As part of our Relationships and Health Education topic ‘Keeping Safe,’ we took part in a First Aid workshop.

We found out about how we can help someone if they are hurt or unwell using basic first aid. We met ‘Teddy’ and his friends who had lots of accidents and learnt how we can help them.

We now know how to help someone who:
-Has a cut
-Bumps their head
-Feels unwell

We talked about what number we dial on the telephone to call for an ambulance; ‘999,’ and practised dialling this number in case of an emergency.

We listened to a story about how Freddie had hurt himself and used all that we remembered to answer some questions about how we could help Freddie.

A special thanks to Miss Siswick for organising the very helpful workshop and to the SVPA for funding it!

One comment on “First Aid Workshop

  1. Hope you enjoyed learning about how to keep yourself safe!

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