Green Team have been working on a Cleaner Air project. The air that we breathe in London is not as clean as it should be. Recent news reports have shown that Marylebone Road is one of the most polluted streets in the capital! Air pollution is caused by many things, including the fossil fuels burnt by cars, lorries and trains and the emissions from factories and industries. When air is polluted, it can cause illness in humans when we breathe it in; it also causes acidic rain, which harms the environment.

To find out more about the air pollution in our local area, we are working with the North Marylebone Traffic Group. One of our parents has helped us to place test tubes in twelve locations in and around St Vincent’s. The test-tubes will stay in place for one month and then be sent off to a laboratory, where scientists will measure the amount of harmful air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Once we know where the most polluted areas are, we plan to share our findings with the whole school community. We will then decide on some actions which we can take to try and reduce the air pollution in our area.