It’s the St. Vincent’s World Week and time to remember the importance of looking after our world. 

In November of this year the U.N. are hosting the COP26 (climate change conference of parties) in Glasgow. This is where heads of state and climate experts get together to find ways to tackle climate change. This is a really important  international even and you are being given the chance to be involved. The WWF have worked together with the U.N. to organise the


This competition is for children of all ages. Through art you will have the opportunity to show the most influential people how you would like to see the world and how you want our planet to look in the future. The winning artwork will be displayed at the conference itself. All you have to do is download the template and then follow the instructions. For more details click here.

Your entries must be submitted by 11.59 p.m. on the 28th of February. Mrs Knowler and Green Team wish you the best of luck.


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