After a very busy term of fun and hard work, Year 6 are very much looking forward to Christmas!
This week, we have finished our Religious Education topic of ‘Expectations’. We have been learning about the Incarnation (John 1:14 – “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”) and then created Christmas cards with stained class windows of the Nativity to depict this prophecy coming true.
We have also written final chapters for our Class text ‘After the War’ by Tom Palmer in English, solved Christmas word problems in Maths, made Christmas decorations and created artwork inspired by the war artist Paul Nash in Art.
We really enjoyed, our delicious Christmas lunch, celebrating all of our learning in Religious Education this term in the special ‘Come and See’ assembly, watching the fabulous KS1 Nativity play and a visit from Jaime, a former pupil, who told us all about his exciting career in the US Coastguard.
Today, we’ve had fun in class, doing a Christmas quiz in teams, performing in a talent show and playing games with our friends.
We also had a fantastic time at the Pantomime. We even forced Miss Siswick up to the front to do a Christmas dance in front of the whole school which we all loved but she hated! Thank you so much to the SVPA for funding this treat for us.
We wish every one in our St. Vincent’s family a very happy and peaceful Christmas and we look forward to seeing each other again in the new year.
I loved the pantomime! It was so fun and I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and a happy new year!🤪😁
I really enjoyed the pantomime it was very funny, entertains and active. Thank you for coming to our school!!!