Yesterday we celebrated Hello Yellow day in Nursery!

Everyone came in with a hint of yellow to show support for this special day! Themed weeks and days are so important, and a fun way to come together as a whole school and remember why we need to remind ourselves about our well being.

Yesterday, Nursery watched the Hello Yellow 2024 video that reminds us the importance of regulating our emotions. To support this we had a moment of meditation, using the rainbow breathing technique. It is a great way for children to be able to visualise their breathing, with calm music a safe space to take time to regulate and meditate. Practice here if you feel this will help:  Rainbow Breathing

We had a circle time where we talked about all the different feelings we could name. We also talked about how these are called emotions, and naming them is so important and can help us feel better! We had our circle time toys, Rosie and Jim ask every child how they felt today, and everyone said they felt happy! We also talked about what different ways we can help our friends or family if they do not feel happy.

In the afternoon, Nursery worked hard to create a lovely and happy hello yellow sun! Everyone worked together to cut, stick and glitter our brand new class sunshine. Everyone had a hello yellow hunt around the classroom and we found lots of materials and resources to use! This was followed by a happy sprinkling of happy gold glitter, which has filled our classroom with such joy!

To finish our special day, we sang ‘You are my sunshine’ to each other and Miss Carruthers!

Our sun is now lovingly placed on our classroom door, waiting to welcome us in each day.

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