Today a group of Year 4 and Year 5 children were asked to help the Wallace Collection by providing feedback for the shop and goodie bags. Here are some sof their thoughts on this opportunity…

“We completed a questionnaire and we had to select items that could be appropriate for a goodie bag that you could be given when visiting the Wallace Collection. We all agreed unanimously that the ‘Twisty Block’ should be included. We think this is more interesting than a pencil.” PS

“We went to the shop and we looked at all the things in the shop. We got to say if the prices were too expensive or reasonable for children to purchase.” SB

“Then we were designing our own items for the Wallace Collection shop. My idea was a Rubik cube with pictures of the painting in the Wallace Collection and I made some suggestions  of ones that are very famous and may be known to children such as The Laughing Cavalier.” DST

“I thought of a chocolate and the cover of the coin could be a famous person from one of the medals on display in the Wallace Collection.” CB

“I was shocked that they asked the opinion of children but it was great fun!” MS

“It was an enjoyable afternoon .  I thought it was fun looking around and exploring different parts of the Wallace Collection.”  LA

“It was interesting and fun.” AB
