After school today the parents and carers of the children who learn Irish Dancing came to watch a wonderful end of term performance.

From the beginners to the most advanced dancers, everyone danced beautifully and showed how hard they have been working this term.

Then Ellie awarded everyone with a special medal to reward their achievements. The Year 6 dancers were also awarded with trophies to celebrate their hard work and also their final performance.

Thank you to everyone who danced and everyone who came to watch. It was a great way to end the term.

Irish Dancing will continue on Mondays after school in September.

7 comments on “Irish Dancing Performance

  1. phillyppe⚽🥈🎹🏵🚲🕧 says:

    Thank you Mrs Ellie for teaching us Irish Dancing.🎖

  2. I loved the trip so much! I loved learning to pick fruits and vegetables so much and I also loved the part when we were playing sleeping lions and when we got toys to play in the coach and chose are partners!

  3. I loved the trip so much! I loved learning to pick fruits and vegetables so much and I also loved the part when we were playing sleeping lions and when we got toys to play in the coach and chose are partners! Thank you!

  4. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    Irish dancing lessons and the performance day was real fun! Miss Ellie is the most wonderful dance teacher ever. Thank you Miss Ellie, Miss Forster Adams and Miss Siswick for organising this event for us. SV is the best!

  5. Alexandra Y3 says:

    Thank you Mrs Ellie for teaching us Irish dancing. It was so fun!

  6. I am very happy that Miss Ellie gave me an opportunity to perform in the Irish Dancing show. I think I’ve still got my Irish dancing skills.

  7. Thanks Mrs Ellie for teaching me since I was little but I left St. Vincent’s last year because we moved house.

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