We have really enjoyed learning all about Judaism in our other faiths topic this week in Religious Education. We focused on the celebration of Shabbat and what is involved in this weekly event. We learnt about the different parts of Shabbat and were able to describe some of the actions and symbols.
Preparing for Shabbat
We learnt that Shabbat is the seventh day for the Jewish people, they remember this time as a time to rest, just like when God created the world and rested on the seventh day. They begin to celebrate Shabbat on Friday night when it gets dark in the evening and Shabbat lasts until Saturday evening. We drew our own Shabbat table and found out about the important things that go on the table like the Challah bread, candles, wine glasses and silver cup.
During Shabbat
We explored what happens during the meal. Many blessings are given. These words are from the special Holy book called the Torah. A final blessing is given for the Kiddush and everyone has some of the wine.
Ending Shabbat
Finally we discovered what happens to end the celebration of Shabbat. The family say a special prayer and light the Havdalah candle. A blessing is said over the sweet smelling spice box. Everyone smells the spices and prays that the coming week will be as sweet as the spices.
As well as learning about Shabbat, we also had an interesting workshop all about the festival of Purim, a day of feasting and joy. We listened to the story of Purim from the Megillah and found out what a Gregger is, a musical instrument to make noise. We found out that during the festival of Purim, people dress up to hide who they really are to represent the story of Purim. We made our own masks to show this too!