This week, Green Team presented an assembly and coffee morning all about our fantastic sponsored World Week event, ‘Just Sing!’.

On Monday February 6th, there will be singing in St Vincent’s all day, making it a very jolly school! Each class will be challenged to complete a non-stop singing session for up to an hour, ending with the grand finale of a whole school sing-song at the end of the day. By asking family members and friends to sponsor our singing, we hope to raise lots of money to support CAFOD’s Refugee Appeal. Pope Francis made last year a special Holy Year of Mercy, and asked all of us to experience God’s mercy in different ways, including by “welcoming the outsider.” Thinking of ways that we can support refugees to build better lives and achieve their hopes and dreams is one way that we can welcome the outsider. If you would like to find out more, please ask Green Team.

Good luck for Monday everyone, and remember…Just Sing!