This week our new class book is ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz.

We have been learning lots of interesting facts about the jungle and animals that live there! We developed our vocabulary to help us describe different jungle animals.

In our Oracy lesson, we read some non-fiction books all about jungle animals to develop our knowledge of what the jungle animals look like and what they can do. We shared our ideas together and explored our outdoor jungle area where we took on the role of different animals.

We then had a very important challenge! We had the task of creating our own jungle fact book.

We began by making the front cover. We wrote down the title of our fact book and drew some pictures to show what the fact book was about.

We then used our knowledge of jungle animal facts we had learnt already and wrote some sentences to describe an animal. 

We are looking forward to finishing our jungle fact books and sharing them with each other!

One comment on “Literacy: Writing Jungle Facts

  1. Writing and drawing for our jungle facts was so much fun. I learned lots of new facts about the jungle. I want to draw more pictures and learn some more facts about the jungle animals, I really liked making the fact book. 🐒🦜🦋🐍🐅🕷️

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