In Religious Education over the last few weeks, we have been exploring the topic of the Eucharist whilst mainly focusing on the thoughts of giving and receiving. We have been focusing on how we can live in communion with each other by making sure that we follow God’s way by giving and receiving in ways that promote unity, kindness and understanding amongst one another. We have been discussing how we can offer our own support and time to those around us.
In our lesson recently, we created mind maps with the statement ‘Living In Communion,’ with our task being to highlight different ways that we could show this in our daily lives and why it was important as Christians. We then got to present our work to our classmates and discuss what things we thought were important and why.
Well done Year 4, on your focus and wonderful ideas on how we can live together in communion. I was so impressed with your work and your confidence in explaining your ideas to the class.
What have you found has been the most important message you have learnt during this topic and why?
I really enjoyed doing RE today! Everyone’s posters looked fabulous!