May is the month of Mary. We have been learning about Mary, the mother of Jesus. We have been praying to Mary and singing special songs. We each got a miraculous medal to take home. We all made a flower for Mary to take to church for the Marian procession.

“Mary is the mother of God and Jesus.”

“Mary is the mother of Jesus. The angel said to Mary, “You will be having a baby.”

“Mary is the mother of Jesus and Mary is the star of the sea. Mary is the queen of the angels and the queen of the May.”

“Mary is the mother of Jesus, the star of the sea, queen of the angels and queen of the May.”

“Mary is the mother of Jesus. She is the star of the sea.”

“Mary is nice. She is the mother of Jesus. “

Oh Mary, we crown you with blossoms today. Queen of the angels and queen of the May.

We joined all the flowers that the whole school made for the Marian procession and put them in our Mary Garden.