Today Year 1 were lucky enough to have a special First Aid session, with Mini First Aid.

We started the session by discussing what First Aid is, to see if they can remember anything from their previous years sessions! Year 1 did very well, and remembered that First Aid is what someone needs to do when someone is hurt. We also remembered that most importantly, we need to ask or call for someone to help us. If this is at school or outside, the first thing we can shout is, HELP! Thankfully, Year 1 also know the sign for ‘help’ using Makaton.

Then we had a quick recap of First Aid. When we hurt ourselves we may cut or graze our skin and see blood, and it is very important to stop any bleeding as quickly as possible. You have to apply pressure first on a cut or wound to stop the blood flowing. Then you clean the cut with a wipe and finally put a plaster or bandage on.

Year 1 all had time to practice this, and were all given a white wipe to re-enact helping their friend who has a cut. Everyone wiped their friends hand and applied a plaster on their partners pretend cut.

Then we were told that Teddy had bumped his head!! We talked about head bumps and the importance of thinking fast, checking if the person who has bumped their head is feeling sick, or feeling dizzy. Everyone practiced placing an ice pack on their partners head and saying “Do you feel sick or dizzy?”

It turns out that Teddy had said no, but then he laid down and we could not wake him!! So we talked about if Year 1 could remember the all important number that we need to call when someone is really hurt. 999 is the number, and Year 1 remembered by singing a special song! This gets us ambulance, police or firefighters.

Then Year 1 practiced finding the number on a phone and calling it for their friend, they practiced saying what happened and where they were as this is what they would need to do for a real emergency. They were told that an important thing to learn is their house or flat number, and the name of the street they live on. This is in case they ever need to call 999 for someone in their family, and they can tell the ambulance, police or firefighters where to go!

Thank you so much to the SVPA for finding thisĀ  first aid workshop for us and the rest of the school. It was such an amazing opportunity to learn life saving skills which we can use to help others!

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