This week in Music, Reception were using boom whackers for the first time!

To get warmed up, we sang our ‘Hello!’ song. In this song we learnt how to say hello in French (Ca va?), Spanish (Hola!), Swahili (Jambo!) and Arabic (Salaam!).

Next Mr Hylton showed us how to use the boom whackers. There were lots of different types of boom whackers. We noticed that some were long, some short and they were in all the colours of the rainbow.

Everyone listened to the the long boom whacker and the short boom whacker. We found out that the longer one made a low sound and the shorter one made a high sound.ย 

Next it was our turn. We all got a boom whacker each and practiced making a sound with it by hitting it on the floor. Reception used their boom whackers very sensibly and made lots of sounds.

Mr Hylton used his drum to guide us to made a beat. We tried whacking our boom whackers onto the floor in time with the drum. We tried going faster and slower as well as playing louder and quieter which was lots of fun!

Reception will be working on using boom whackers over the coming half term. A big well done to everyone for your fantastic music skills.

What was your favourite part about our Music lesson this week?

4 comments on “Music in Reception

  1. WOW Reception! All of you look like you are having so much fun doing boom wackers! Boom wackers is so much FUN!

  2. Alexandra Y4 ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ says:

    Well done Reception! The rainbow boom whackers are so much fun! I hope you all enjoyed your music lesson with Mr. Hylton. ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŒˆ

  3. Francesca had the most fun playing โ€œreally fastโ€ the boom whackers. Looking forward for the next music class.

  4. Well done Reception it looks like you had lots of fun . When I was playing the boom whackers I loved to make a steady beat.

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