This week in Music, Year 1 were using boom whackers to create a beat to music!

We began our music lesson by singing our song ‘Build up’. In music over the last few weeks the children have been practicing singing this song and some movements which go along with it, Mr Hylton began by reminding us of the moves and then we began to sing! Year 1 have become so amazing at singing this song, it is clear their confidence has grown and they are really enjoying dancing along too.

Next, we used drums and boom whackers, this was our second time using them and everyone was so excited. We practiced making a rhythm together as a class and then the children had individual turns to show their music skills. The children also worked on counting down from 8 and were able to show Mr Hylton their outstanding counting which we have also been working on in Maths.

Year 1 will be working on using boom whackers and the drums over the coming half term. A big well done to everyone for your fantastic music skills.

What was your favourite part of our lesson?

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