In music this term, we have been learning to play the recorder. The children were each given their own recorder to take home so they could practice the skills we’ve been learning in the lesson. Today, we learned a sequence of notes and discussed the importance of covering the hole securely and tightly so air doesn’t get out. You can clearly hear the difference in the pitch of the note when the hole isn’t covered properly. We played our notes both collectively and individually in tandem with the piano.
We are building towards playing our recorders in the Christmas nativity performance at church in a few weeks time and Mr Hylton was very pleased with the progress made in today’s lesson. We have even learned to play our recorders in time with the chorus for ‘Eye of the Tiger’ and it sounds great. It’s amazing what you can do with only three notes! Keep practising your recorders at home Year 3 so we can get even better!