This morning Nursery performed their wonderful assembly all about Traditional Tales.

They’ve learnt lots about different characters and shared some of their favourite stories. They performed lots of stories for us: The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. They also reminded us of some of the characters that are in lots of the Traditional Tales. We all loved their wonderful singing!

We hope you enjoy watching the assembly. Well done Nursery!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

4 comments on “Nursery Assembly

  1. Bethan’s mum says:

    Well done Nursery, you all did an amazing job and looked like you had as much fun as we did watching you.

  2. Molly🍕 says:

    Well Done Nursery! I really liked your assembly! It was very good!

  3. Alexandra Y3 😊😂⚽⚽ says:

    I loved your assembly Nursery!

  4. Alexandra Y3 🥰 😍 says:

    What a fabulous assembly nursery! I enjoyed it so much!

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