Today nutritionists visited the school to discuss the nutritional content of our school meals. They attended a Coffee Morning and Meg spoke to the parents about the school dinners. Feedback was very positive and Meg listened to suggestions for improvement. Parents wanted there to be less sugary deserts and Meg agreed with this. We all agreed that full fat yogurt was a better option than low fat. We also discussed ways of encouraging children to eat more vegetables and ensuring that children have a balanced meal. In response to parental requests, the dates of the four week cycle are now available on the School Meals page of this website.

Grace then led an informative assembly teaching the children about healthy eating. We reviewed the Eatwell plate and considered the importance of a healthy diet. Do you know how much you should eat from each food group?


Thank you to James from Chartwell for organising this visit. Our next step is to arrange a School Meals Tasting session for parents in the Spring Term. This will be held on Thursday 21st January at 2:30p.m. in the school hall.