This year, we’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work with Open City on their ‘Young City Makers’ project.

We’ve been developing our collaboration and model-making skills and considering our role in shaping our city. We’ve taken part in two workshops and a trip to explore the new development at King’s Cross. We worked alongside partner professionals from some of London’s leading built environment practices to develop our future vision for London.

In the first workshop, we had to come up with ideas for making buildings sustainable and design our own. The trip to King’s Cross gave us the opportunity to see modern developments and get ideas for our own projects. The third workshop involved making models of our sustainable buildings or developments.

This series of workshops gave us a real insight into what it means to be an architect and helped us think about all the different factors and considerations that go into designing buildings and developments. We created some amazing models and presented them to each other in class. Our models have been taken by Open City and will be judged alongside models from other schools across London. Winners will be chosen from the models so watch this space…



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