Year 1 had the most amazing first week back at school!

We have had an excellent first week back at school and we are all so happy to be back at school after the summer holiday. This week was a big change for year 1 as they endured the huge jump from Reception to Year 1 which involved sitting at desks, more routines and play time on the roof.

This week was citizenship week, which meant we learnt about our rights and responsibilities. We looked at ways we can access our rights and what both children and adults can do to ensure our rights are always respected both in and outside of school. Some of the important rights we looked at were the rights to play, the rights to learn and the right to share our thoughts. Also, as a part of citizenship week we chose school councillors and our green team, thee children will represent our class!

We also looked at ‘our place in the world’ and our local surroundings. The children got to experience Google Earth for the first time which was extremely exciting! We also looked at our local area through aerial images and identified Marylebone High Street, our school and St James’ Church.

In Religious Education we looked at our Catholic Social Teaching for the half term, this was creation. We read from the book of Genesis and discussed the importance of looking after God’s creation. We created a picture of earth which included all of our favourite things which we are thankful for whilst also including what we can do to protect God’s special creation.

Overall, we had a lovely first week back at school and I can’t wait for the year ahead. Well done Year 1, you are superstars!

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