We’ve had a lovely first week back in Year 3 and we’re all so happy to be back at school after the summer holidays! This week was Citizenship week, which meant learning about our rights and responsibilities. We learned that our rights are a freedom we are all entitled to and our responsibilities are what we should do to make sure we all have access to our rights. We talked about our right to be safe, healthy and have friends, as well as our right to play, to learn and have free education. The children understood that our responsibilities are to try our best in school, not distract each other, to be kind to other people and look after each other when we are hurt, among others.

Also as part of citizenship week, many of us chose to make speeches for the roles of school councillors and green team members. We heard some excellent speeches and because this is a democratic process, we have voted for our school council and green team representatives!

Citizenship week also involved learning about our locality as part of our discussions about ‘our place in the world’.  We took a virtual trip down Marylebone High Street and we looked to see exactly what the high street has to offer. We discovered that the vast majority of shops are clothes shops, while some of them are jewellers, shoe shops, cafes/restaurants and health stores. It was interesting to tally the specific types of shops because sometimes we don’t think to pay attention to the streets around where we live. Looking at our tally charts, we have established that people come to Marylebone High Street to buy clothes, jewellery, meet friends and family in the cafes and restaurants and because they work in the shops.

For Catholic Social Teaching, we discussed how special the world is and the importance of looking after God’s creation. The children wrote some excellent prayers to ask God to help us be better guardians of the Earth.

Well done Year 3 for an excellent first week back at school: you’ve settled back in very quickly and I’m very excited about the year ahead of us!

6 comments on “Our First Week in Year 3

  1. I am very excited to learn about these subjects especially about the map of the area and how you can tally the different types of shops. I also like the comic books in Year 3 which makes reading more fun.

  2. l am so excited to be in year 3 l have been waiting for this day for so long. l am really interested to learn new stuff and read some new books in class. l really wonder what we are going to write and learn next. l would really like to know about all the things we are supposed to do in y3.

  3. My class is so awesome and I love reading and writing and my favourite learning is all the lessons. I wonder what lesson is tomorrow.

  4. I liked doing the work because it was so fun.

  5. Lola-Lily Y2 says:

    My class is so funny 😂 They make the day so much fun. I really enjoyed 😉 myself on the day of the first day. I missed my friends and I love my new ones. 💗 🥰🐵🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏳️‍🌈

  6. Lola-Lily Y2 says:


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