Year 4 have enjoyed a very exciting first week back at school!

On our first day back, we got to catch up with all of our classmates before we went over expectations and all the wonderful topics that we will be covering over the year.

Firstly, we looked into our Citizenship themes for this half term and we learnt that we would be exploring about rules and laws especially how they are made and enforced. We explored the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child and how every child has rights that adults need to help with supporting. We read over the rights and selected 4 that will become part of our class charter in our classroom. 

Next we explored our My Place In The World geography topic with the focus question: What does Regents Park have to offer to the local area? For this we did some research on the computing using the Royal Parks website to see what Regents Park had to offer and took notes ahead of answering our focus question. Many of us had been before to Regents Park so we were confident in what was on offer there. After returning to class, we then explored different maps and looked at working out different symbols on a map. We then had a go at drawing our own map of Regents Park with selected landmarks and a key to match. We then used our notes that answer the focus question. 

Lastly, we had our first music lesson with Mr Hylton in which we were introduced to how to play a ukulele and we did our Catholic Social Teaching lesson which was reflecting on scripture related to the Garden of Eden and how we can continue God’s message on Earth today. 

Well done Year on your first week back! You have all settled back so quickly! 

What was your favourite part of the week so far? 

7 comments on “Our First Week In Year 4

  1. Alexandra Y4 says:

    My favourite part of the first week was all the lessons in general, but I especially enjoyed our first lesson on playing the ukelele. I am really looking forward to learning more, mostly about the Tudors and the Romans. It was great to be back to school and see all my classmates after the summer holidays.

  2. My favourite part of this week was playing the ukuleles.I also loved learning maths because it was fun.I am also looking forward to learning about the romans because I read lots of books about them. They sound really interesting!

  3. I’m so excited to learn about the Romans and Tudors. I am also excited to perform in the Christmas and Easter celebration because we get to perform with our ukulele

  4. charles year 4⚽ says:

    My favourite part of the week was the computing lessons.

  5. Year 4 is the best I loved learning the ukuleles and I am looking forward to the Romans!

  6. gino year 4🏆⚽ says:

    my favourite part this week was computing because we can get all the infomation that we need this week.I am looking foward to the rest of the year

  7. Last week’s computer class was awesome! I love writing and reading. Also I have lots of friends in my class. I love to be in the classroom.

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