This morning in our whole school assembly we reflected on Peace Sunday and thought about how we can contribute to a more peaceful world. This week, as well as remembering our manners, we are going to try and be kinder to others and to say sorry when we have made a mistake. We said a special prayer together and we will continue this mission during out International Week later this term, with support from our Pupil Chaplains.

Dear God,

We thank you for giving us your peace.

Help us to spread peace at home and at school by loving and caring for one another.

Help us to spread peace by listening to one another, even when we don’t agree.

Help us to spread peace by sharing our time with those who are lonely and who need a friend.

Help us to spread peace by thinking and praying for children who have no food or who are frightened and live in fear.

Let us pray every day for peace for our families, for our friends and for ourselves.
