In our PE lessons we have been working on improving our fitness. Every week we take turns to time each other performing various fitness challenges including sprinting, balancing, skipping and press ups. We record our scores and we are very proud to see our scores improving every week.

This links to our Science work on the circulatory system and we are looking forward to to creating graphs to show our improving fitness levels in our next Science lesson.

4 comments on “PE and Science

  1. Gabriella y6 says:

    Doing Fitness in PE is really fun and challenging. I like doing the sprint race and the stork test.

  2. graceanne y6 says:

    learning about How our bodies move in science is so fun and this links to our p.e session It is all about how are body moves when we move around.

  3. Doing our fitness sessions is really fun and also helps us improve and motivate ourselves. It also helps us to keep active and links to our current science topic, the circulatory system in how our activities affect our body.

  4. I can’t wait to do that in year 6!

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