This week we had our first PE lessons, this term we have lessons both in the hall and on the roof. This week we worked on our balancing skills and we also had the opportunity to take part in Yoga!

In Yoga we worked on staying both calm and relaxed. We looked at sitting with our legs crossed and worked on breathing both in and out with our eyes closed. The children also looked at some other yoga poses, they did poses such as the tree pose and also pretended to be yoga monkeys! The children loved this and said they felt both calm and relaxed after taking part in the lesson.

The children also worked on their balancing skills, one of the games they played was to put cones on their heads and walk in a straight line with the hopes of the cone balancing and not falling off. The children were amazing at this and shined throughout.

Well done Year 1, you had an amazing week and really impressed everyone in PE.

3 comments on “PE in Year 1

  1. WOW year 1 your PE lessons look so much fun! You are doing so many fun sports that I suppose all of you love.

  2. Alexandra Y4 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️ says:

    Great yoga poses Year 1! Keep it up.

  3. You seem to work so well together year 1. And by the way, great yoga poses! Keep it up!

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