Year 6 have been enjoying  Tag Rugby and Tennis, their two weekly outdoor PE lessons this term.

In Tennis, we have been practising these skills individually and with our learning partners:

  • To develop placement of the ball using forehand and backhand.                                                               

  • To develop accuracy and consistency using the underarm serve.

  • To develop volleys.

  • To employ tactics when playing with a partner.

  • To apply rules, skills and principles to play against an opponent.

Today, we had the chance to put all of  our tennis skills into practice with doubles matches, where we had to work as a team with our partner instead of against them. We took it in turns to serve from the baseline and played against our opponents until one pair reached 40 points after which we swapped and played another pair.

We had a great time, showing our developing tennis skills and having fun in the fresh air.

Which is your favourite sport that we play at school and why, Year 6?

25 comments on “PE: Tennis

  1. Maria Y6🥎 says:

    Tennis is my favourite sport that we play at school. I played tennis for 4 years now, and l find it very sportive for movement in our body.

  2. ☆NOAH☆ says:

    I really enjoyed doing tennis because it was fun t do and learn how to do.

  3. Valentina☆ y6 says:

    I really enjoyed tennis especially doing the matches against someone else, I learned a lot about tennis thanks to this lessons.

  4. My favourite sport is football because it is exciting and there can be a lot of goals.

  5. Erietta😏 says:

    I loved playing tennis with my friends.

  6. Juliet year 6 says:

    I love rugby tag because France won the 6 nations and that is really great.

  7. My favourite sport is tennis because we had to compete with other teams and we had to make sure that the other team wouldn’t win.

  8. my favourite sport is football because it is fun

  9. Aluna ( > ⬨ < ) /) says:

    My favourite sport that we had done was rugby because not only we competed with other teams but also it was very fun too!

  10. I love playing basketball because it is challenging and I love shooting in the goal!

  11. My favourite sport is tennis ! We get to do lots of it in PE . Our friend and PE coaches always make sure that we get the help we needed !

  12. James Yr6 says:

    I enjoy playing football at school because it is very fun and active and there are different techniques to show off skills.

  13. I like tennis because it gives me good physical excercise and it is very fun.

  14. PE is so much fun! My favourite sport that we do in PE is tennis because I enjoy doing matches and learning new skills in tennis! I hope everyone had a lot of fun in the last PE lesson!

  15. Daniela :0 says:

    Playing matches with other people in the class was fantastic! Probably my favorite sport is tennis or basketball because I find doing those sports entertaining and its fun to play against players. I find those sports more easier to play.

  16. Sebastian says:

    I enjoy playing football at school because I enjoy playing it with my friends and having lots of fun!

  17. My favourite sport that we play at school is tennis. I loved playing matches against other people. It was so fun.

  18. Isabella Y6💖 says:

    My favourite sport is football because i really love to play it and it makes me happy.

  19. Heloise Y6 says:

    I really enjoy playing tennis because I have played this sport outside school since I was two. If there were to be a tennis tournament I would definitely volunteer.
    One of my favourite sports to play in school is gymnastics because I am quite flexible and I love this sport.

  20. My favourite sport is tennis because it’s really fun to play against others.

  21. Isabella Y6💖 says:

    I also really enjoy gymnastics in PE because I do a lot of gymnastics and I find it really fun.

  22. My favourite sport is tennis because it teaches me how to hold the racket and how to score a point.My favourite spring is the back hand spring and it is really easy.

  23. Tennis is quite fun! I really enjoyed the tennis games and the 2v2s! It is a good sport!

  24. My favourite sport is basketball because I love trying to shoot in the hoop.

  25. Musa!!!!!!!! says:

    I LOVE FOOTBALL! It’s my favourite game and I love kicking the ball,doing skills,running around and scoring.

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