We celebrate Peace Sunday in January each year. On Peace Sunday, Pax Christi England and Wales, a Catholic peace movement, shares the Pope’s
World Day of Peace message. Each year the message is different, and this year the message is called ‘No one can be saved alone. Combatting Covid-19 together, embarking together on paths of peace’. Over the last few years with Covid-19 people have felt very scared. For many people daily life  completely changed and in some cases life became much harder, particularly for those most in need.

Pope Francis says that we should now look at what we have learnt and what we could do differently to build a better world. We need to remember that we need one another. When there is unfairness and inequality in the world, that creates conflict and fighting. Pope Francis asks us to think about how we can make the world a better place.

In preparation for Peace Sunday on 15th January 2023, we thought about this message in assembly today, with a focus on how we can make sure that everyone is cared for, that everyone is treated fairly, that we live peacefully and care for creation. By doing this we will be building God’s kingdom. We also reflected on the beatitude, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’.

This week at home you can  continue this reflection by participating in the activities below.  Please hand in your work to Miss Coleman and write a comment below to share your thoughts about how, together, we can be peacemakers,


  • Use your artistic talents to create a poster or piece of art representing the Peace Sunday message.

  • Draw a dove and decorate it. Around the dove you can write or draw of what you think it means to work for peace.

  • Send a card to someone who you think works for peace, thanking them for what they do.

  • Find some hymns about peace and sing them together. You could create some actions to go with the song.

  • Fill in the worksheet associated with this liturgy looking at paths of peace.


Well done to Orla, Sophia, Graceanne, Gabriella, Genesis and Alexandra for your lovely work.

7 comments on “Peace Sunday 15th January 2023

  1. Graceanne y6 says:

    I would like to make peace towards our world so I will do these activities.

  2. Gabriella y6 says:

    I will do all the activities because I want all countries to be at peace.

  3. Gabriella y6 says:

    We can all be peacemakers by starting to show peace to one another.When we start to make peace with one another more and more people will follow you and star making peace with everyone else.Also we can share the good things that will happen when we start to make peace.

  4. Gabriella y6 says:

    We can all be peacemakers by starting to show peace to one another. When we start to make peace with one another more and more people will follow you and star making peace with everyone else.Also we can share the good things that will happen when we start to make peace.

  5. This week is important as everyone deserves to be able to live in peace and be happy

  6. I want to bring peace to the world so I will do all these things

  7. Fleur Brennan says:

    Jesus teaches that peacemakers are children of God. Pupils at St Vincent’s are demonstrating that through the work for peace they are creating. Thank you.

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