This week in Nursery we have been doing lots of learning in English. We start our day every morning with phonics. This half term we are focusing on the following new sounds:
- m for mouse
- d for duck
- g for goat
- o for octopus
- c for cat
- k for kite
Today after reviewing these sounds we played one of our new games ‘Can you touch your…?’ This is when Miss Pycroft says can you touch your… and sounds out a body part! Today we sounded out /b/a/ck, /l/e/g, eye and many more. We then played the game ‘What sound does a …. make?’. This is where Miss Pycroft says what sound does an animal make that is sounded out and the children have to make that sound. For example what sound does a /d/o/g make? These games are so much fun!
In writing this week we looked at the initial sound of different sea animals. We practised saying these sounds and then we copied writing the sound on our own whiteboards. It is very tricky making some of the lines, but Nursery did such a good job!
Wow! What amazing writing! You all are super stars!
You guys are all superstars nursery. Your handwriting is really neat.
Well Done Nursery!
Well done nursery- you are all doing such a great job!