This week in our PE lessons, Nursery were able to be super heroes!

We had a really fun lesson using the large parachute, and playing lots of different games using all the space in the hall.

To start, Nursery sat around the parachute and stretched it out as wide as it could be. We looked at the different colours on the parachute, and how the different triangles are like superhero capes! I called out different colours, and the children sat in that colour were to fly around the room, flying around their friends and sitting back down again. The children loved this game, having time to fly around the room and practice their colours.

Then we had a fun time putting a sponge ball on top of the parachute, and the children tried to bounce and wave the ball into each of the coloured sections.

To finish, we practiced different listening games where the adults would call out a category, and the children in that category were able to run underneath the parachute whilst their friends waved it high in the air. We focused on the categories such as hair colour, eye colour and initial sounds in everyone’s names.

This was such a fun first PE lesson of the half term, well done Nursery!

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