This half term, we are developing our football skills even further! Lots of us are fantastic footballers and are very passionate about it, however, some of us are less keen. That being said, we have all worked very hard to improve our dribbling, shooting and defending in our first two weeks of Year 5.

This week, with EPE, we first of all practiced passing with accuracy with our partner. We had to kick the ball with the inside of our foot and think about the force that we passed it with. We also had to control the ball before passing it back. After this, we were split into attackers and defenders and played some 2-v-1. It was the job of the attackers to work in pairs to try to dribble and pass the ball without being tackled by the defender. Once we made it past the defender, we had to shoot against one of our brilliant goalkeepers! We had a great time doing this and worked so well with our partners and showed great resilience.

After this, we all took on the role of attackers. We passed the ball to our coach and it was passed back to us and we had to shoot. Some of us then moved on to dribbling the ball closer towards the ball, without passing it, and then took a shot.

Lots of us really enjoy PE, and especially love football! We had a great time and can’t wait for our next lesson. 

13 comments on “Physical Education: Football

  1. It was so fun! Football is one of my favourite sports!!!

  2. That was so fun!

  3. I enjoyed it!

  4. It was fun.

  5. It was a great lesson.

  6. Sienna year5 says:

    My partner was Alex and he was so good at football. We both love this subject.


  8. Having fun while being active -two birds with one stone.

  9. Football is the best sport in the world.

  10. Football is really cool. I had a lot of fun.

  11. Football is the best sport in the world!

  12. It was super fun. I hope we do it again!!!!

  13. Cesar is a very good player and I’m his brilliant coach!

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