This week Reception enjoyed a very active P.E. lesson!

In our second gymnastics lesson we were woodland animals. To begin, we looked at the woodland scene and talked about the different animals which live in the woods. There were lots of different animals such as such as foxes, deer, snakes, bunnies, frogs, hedgehogs and spiders.

For our warm up this week, we played ‘squirrels’! Everyone had to imagine they were squirrels as they moved around the space. Mr Kersys then shouted out different actions for the squirrels to perform such as squirrels on the move, squirrels up a tree and squirrels found some nuts!

Next it was time for our woodland stations. We use different apparatus and learnt how to make different shapes for each activity:

  • Star shape when jumping off the agility table as ‘frogs’

  • Straight shape when sliding across the benches as ‘snakes’

  • Tuck shape when jumping through the hoops as ‘bunnies’

  • Straddle shape when moving around the ball which was a ‘hedgehog’

Everyone had a lots of fun on each of the activities and formed the shapes so well!

What was you favourite activity in our P.E. lesson this week?

5 comments on “Physical Education in Reception

  1. Alexandra Y4 says:

    Great jumps, Reception.

  2. Good job at PE Reception. All of you jumped as high as the moon!

  3. I loved all the activities. Such a great fun!! I hope we will have such a great class again! Thank you!!!

  4. Reception great work 🙂

  5. I loved all the activities. Especially the frog (like my spot on the carpet 😉

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