Thank you to everyone who attended the Prayer Life Parent Meeting this morning. We had such an amazing turnout of parents, which demonstrates just how important our catholic identity is to us all and the strength of the partnership between home, school and church. 

Thank you also to our Religious Education Leaders, Mr Kersys and Miss Walsh, who delivered an informative presentation to parents before providing the opportunity for parent to join in with Child Led Collective Worship in each class. 

We hope you found the morning useful. If you were unable to attend you can read the presentation here.

If you have any feedback please do speak to us  or leave a comment in the chat.  

Together through Christ we grow and learn

2 comments on “Prayer Life Parent Workshop

  1. Gabriella y6 says:

    I really enjoyed leading the child led worship and I can not wait to do it again.

  2. Graceanne y6 says:

    I like to do paired worship and found it a great way for all of us to come together and talk about God and Christ.

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