In Year 6 we are getting ready for Sports Day which is on Wednesday 14th July. 

The Sports Ambassadors have been busy organising the equipment and today, we got together in our teams and completed in a ‘mini athletics competition’ to help us prepare for the main event! 

We had a go at ‘Speed Bounce’, ‘Javelin’ and a ‘Cone Balance Race’! 

The scores from our mini Sports Day are below! 

St. David -435 points

St. Andrew- 390 points 

St. Patrick-458 points 

St. George- 452 points

2 comments on “Preparing for Sports Day

  1. I’m very excited for Sports Day! Even though yellow team is in 3rd place, I’m sure we will win! Heheh 😂

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    I’m pleased to hear that you’re excited for Sports Day! Good luck to St. David’s team!!

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