In Year 6, we have been learning about online behaviour and safety in our PSHE unit ‘Keeping Safe’.

We know that technology is amazing and can be an excellent way to stay in touch with friends and family but, unfortunately, it can also easily be misused.

Today, we have been talking about what cyber-bullying is and how it can make people feel.  We revisited ‘Is it Bullying or Banter?’ from our Anti-Bullying Week earlier this year and talked about how this relates to cyber-bullying.  We know that we should think very carefully about how we should behave online and we know what to do if we are aware of unkind online behaviour, whether towards ourselves or others.

We designed posters to help younger children to know how to be kind online. Please click here to read our important messages: Cyber-Bullying Posters 

28 comments on “PSHE: Being Kind Online

  1. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    Amazing posters! Kindness rocks!

  2. Alexandra Y3 says:

    Great posters Year 6!

  3. Phillyppe👦 says:

    Well done for designing posters to help younger children to know how to be kind online. I loved the pictures of all of year6 working.

  4. Madeleine Yr6 says:

    Cyber bullying is all about bullying online. It is important to tell an adult about it if it is happening.

  5. Sophia B y6 says:

    I had so much fun making these posters about online safety and learning about how to stay safe while online!

  6. Constance says:

    I really liked making a poster about online safety since it was fun and exciting.

  7. I had a lot of fun designing posters and I have learnt a lot.

  8. I loved this lesson

  9. Rafael Y6 says:

    I enjoyed making a poster because people should know Cyber-Bullying is not good.

  10. It was so fun and learnt how to avoid cyberbullies!

  11. Sophia p says:

    I loved making these posters it was so fun. I hope we do this again.

  12. George y6 says:

    It was really fun😁I learnt a lot!😎😎

  13. Layla Yr6 says:

    I really enjoyed making these posters and learning about how to be safe, because being safe on the internet is extremely important! This is a really good way for young children to learn because posters are very colourful!!!!!!!

  14. Mila Yr6 says:

    This was a fun activity . I learnt that u cannot trust everyone online . I hope to do more things like this.

  15. This was really fun 😎😎. I learnt a lot.

  16. Hollirose says:

    It was really fun making the posters .

  17. Making these posters was so much fun and it taught us how to be safe online . We also learnt the age limits for most social media platforms and what you can do on the internet.

  18. I hope that people will can spread the new to help people to stop cyber bullying

  19. I hope my message gets spread to show kindness online and in real life too.

  20. It is important to act the same way online as you are acting when not on a device of any specification . Other than staying kind and safe the internet is a wonderful place and the lesson was a fantastic learning activity.

  21. I enjoyed making those posters a lot. It’s very important to make a noise about Cyber Bullying and help those who are suffering from it.

  22. I loved creating the posters and I had soo much fun finding about the different ways you can be kind it was so fun. I am really proud of myself.

  23. I hope that this message can be spread throughout not only the school community but everywhere. DONT CYBER BULLY.

  24. It was so fun to design my poster about cyberbullying! I really enjoyed doing it.

  25. Isabella😊😊😊 says:

    I really loved doing these posters because we are teaching people how to stay safe online while having lots of fun.

  26. This was very fun. I love making posters and I hope we do it more often.

  27. I really enjoyed making a fun poster about cyber bulling.

  28. Catherine says:

    I enjoyed being to make these posters as cyberbullying is an important topic when using social media. This helped to understand how to stop cyberbullying.

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