Today, History came to life for Year 6 who were lucky enough to meet an evacuee!

Kitty Baxter came to tell us all about her experiences as an evacuee in the Second World War.   Kitty was a child during WW2 and was evacuated three times.

Kitty told us all about her life in World War Two and answered all of our many questions.  We felt very privileged to hear her speak-it was mesmerising to hear Kitty tell us her fascinating story.   

  Kitty also very kindly gave us a signed copy of the book that she has written all about her experiences during the war which we are looking forward to reading.                                                                                                                           

After Kitty had told us all about her life in World War Two and answered lots of our questions, we sang her our World War II songs that we had learnt for the assembly. Kitty knew all of the words to ‘White Cliffs of Dover’ and we had a good old-fashioned singsong together!                                                                                                                         

Thank you so much, Kitty,  for the book and for such a special and memorable afternoon. It was such a wonderful experience and we learned so much from you.

2 comments on “Real life History: A visit from an evacuee.

  1. Thank you a for a wonderful afternoon. It was such a pleasure to meet you. You all had so many interesting questions and I loved singing along with you. A special thanks to Miss Siswick for her help. I hope you enjoy the rest of the WWII topic

  2. I’m so excited to be in year 6 and to see an evacuee!

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