This morning Reception performed their wonderful assembly all about People Who Help Us.

They shared how much they’ve learnt about all the different people who help us in our community. We heard all about the doctors, nurses, police, fire fighters, paramedics, lolly pop people, teachers, builders, postal workers and cleaners, and how much they all help us. Reception reminded us of the very important number to call if ever we are in danger: 999.

We hope you enjoy watching the assembly. Well done Reception

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

4 comments on “Reception Assembly

  1. Well done Reception for such a brilliant assembly! I am so very proud of you. I hope all of your mummies, daddies and family members enjoyed watching it.

    Love, Mr. Kersys x

  2. This was a FANTASTIC assembly Reception. All of you said your lines so clearly and your singing was amazing!!

  3. Thank you Reception and a big big thank you all the teachers!!! We are still singing β€œ Nee-naw, nee-naw, nee-naw, nee-naw”!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  4. Miss Pycroft says:

    Well done on such a great assembly Reception! It was great to watch it all the way from Australia. I am so proud of you!!

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