Today Reception had a very exciting trip to the Euston Fire Station as part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic!
When we arrived at the fire station, the fire fighters showed us the special fire fighting uniform they wear to protect themselves. They have this ready so that they can get dressed to leave in an emergency very quickly! It takes them less than a minute. The fire fighters then got Mr Kersys to try and put on the uniform (which I managed in 33 seconds!). We got to hold the helmet, their torch and try to lift up the oxygen tank which can weight up to 18kg.
Next, we got to see inside the fire engines. We saw the tools that the fire fighters use. We learnt that fire fighters don’t just put out fires, they also help rescue people in accidents such as car crashes. There was so much equipment in the fire engines such as hoses, big cutters, oxygen tanks and hammers.
During our visit the fire fighters got a call to an emergency! We got to see the sirens and blue lights flashing as they sped away.
Inside the fire station we saw where the fire men eat, rest and their office. We also saw the radio and machine, which sends information to the fire fighters about where the emergency they need to go to is. There were lots of maps the fire fighters use and some old helmets and photos from the past.
The fire fighter also showed us how they slide down the pole and then it was time for the most exciting part! We got to spray water from the big hose. Sadly, not everyone got a turn as there was another emergency the fire fighters had to go to!
It was a very exciting trip and we had a lot of fun learning about how fire fighters help us.