In our Religious Education lesson, we are learning about the Sacrament of Baptism! Through our Creation & Covenant topic, we are learning about how God created the world and everything in it. This includes people, like us! We are welcomed into our families when we are born, and welcomed into Gods family during our Baptism.

To begin our learning, we first learnt what a Baptism is and what this new special word means. In our special circle time we remembered the story of when Jesus was born, and that we were all born into our families just like he was. Nursery all took turns to touch and see the shells used to scoop Holy Water during a Baptism. We talked about how they feel and that they are from the ocean, so it is special that they are chosen to scoop the important Holy Water. We also talked about how every person who is Baptised gets given a Baptismal Candle, to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world, and we can follow his light throughout our lives.

Nursery listened so well whilst the actions that happen during a Baptism were demonstrated. We looked at the important shell used as the Priest blesses the baby and we all said the words that the Priest says as he pours the Holy Water. Saying together “I Baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’.

One comment on “Religious Education: Baptism

  1. Alexandra Y4 ✝️ says:

    Learning about baptism is important. You are learning so much! Well done Reception!

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