Over the last few weeks we have spent our time in Religious Education looking at families.

We spent the start of term discussing what a family is and what it means to be a part of a family. The children took part in multiple discussions about families and celebrated the fact that all families are different and unique. The children were all able to identify who is in their family and how they’re family show both love and care for them.

We also looked at God’s love and care for us, we did this through looking at a range of Psalms. These can be both sung or read and can be found in the Bible. The Psalms we looked at highlighted how God loves and cares for us and how he makes us feel safe. The children also gave many examples of God and his never ending love and care for us. We also looked at the life of Jesus and how we showed love and care for others. The children identified that Jesus was both kind and helpful to others whilst always having a strong faith!

To end our topic on families we created a lovely display which presents the amazing families in our class! We also discussed the people who show love and care for us and decided on a range of methods we can use to show love and care back to those people.

This has been a lovely topic which the children have worked extremely hard on and celebrated. Well done Year 1, you’re Religious Education work has been amazing!

One comment on “Religious Education in Year 1

  1. I think a family is someone who cares for you. I also think families are people who care for you and people who look after you. Families make you nice food, they give you clothes to wear. Families are always there for you when you need them.
    Families give you a nice home to live in. Families teach you things. Families give you a school to go to. They give you lots of love.
    My family is always there when I need them.

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