This term in Year 4, we have exploring who is in God’s family in our Domestic Church topic within Religious Education.

We have recently been looking at what a family tree is and have used this to look at the ancestors of Jesus. We have been looking at important figures in Jesus’ family such as Abraham and Jacob and why they are such important figures within the family tree of Jesus. 

We looked at scripture which retold the story of Jacob who was blessed with twelve sons, in which one was Joseph who was loved the most by Jacob. His brothers resented him for this and ended selling him to traders and lying to their father about what had happened to Joseph. Joseph ended up in Egypt but was being blessed by the Pharaoh. His brothers ended up seeing him after many years and apologised for their actions. 

Year 4 then worked in small groups to perform a role play of the scripture to show the class. They all worked together and had various roles to showcase the story.  

What have you learnt about the actions of Joseph from this scripture?

3 comments on “Religious Education in Year 4-Joseph and his brothers!

  1. Florence Y4🏆 says:

    I really enjoyed acting a lot. Everyone’s acting was amazing!

  2. Joseph forgave his brothers. I enjoyed the role play.

  3. Alexandra Y4 says:

    The actions of Joseph that stood out to me were of unconditional love and how he forgave his brothers for what they had done to him all those years ago. I enjoyed acting out the parable in class with my group. I thought it was a real fun way to learn the scripture. Thank you Mr. Garnet for teaching us this RE lesson.

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