This week in Year 3, we started our topic of the Universal Church during our Religious Education lessons. We have been exploring different places in the world that are special to us and why. We discussed and shared the times that we have visited our special place. Is it when we are feeling sad, worried or happy?
As a class, we learnt that even though we had all chosen different places, the feelings they evoke are very similar. They are places that help us feel calm, relaxed and safe as well as important and happy.
We then applied this to our knowledge of Jesus, we reflected on stories from the Bible to identify special places for him. We discussed these places and matched up the reason for their importance in his life.
Year 3 were able to link this to the importance on Pilgrimage in the Catholic faith. We looked at some Holy places that people visit such as the Saint Peter Basilica in Italy and Lourdes in France. The children then discussed the different reasons for Christians to go on these journeys during their life.
Some of the reasons we have discussed in class are:
· The importance of learning about the history of the Christian faith.
· To build a deeper connection with God.
· As a way of feeling connected to the worldwide community of Christians
· To visit sites of religious importance. This could be places where miracles happened and to receive special blessings.
It has been a reflective week in Religious Education and we have loved learning about the importance of special places to everyone, including Jesus.