Our current Religious Education topic is Pentecost – Serving: Holidays and Holidays.
We have been looking at what a Holy Day is, and why these are similar to Holidays in that they are different from a ‘normal’ day, but special in our reflection and rememberance of God.
We have recapped our last topic, focusing on Lent and Easter, and reminding ourselves that after Easter Sunday Jesus appeared to his disciples. They did not believe him, but he showed them holes in his hands from his crucifixion. Jesus shared with them that he has to leave them once again and return to his Father in Heaven. During our reflection and mediation time, we have been focuing on our prayer table, figures of Jesus and his disciples and our special candles. Year 1 were very thoughtful and discussed that Jesus had to return to Heaven to watch over everyone in Heaven and listen to our prayers, which he could not do whilst being only with his disciples on Earth.
We have been focusing on Jesus’s promise to the discples; ‘I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever’ (John 14: 15-21). Year 1 thought lots about this promise of The Holy Spirit and how the discples must have felt at this time.
Whilst learning about the Ascension of Jesus, and the feats of Pentecost, we focused on the signs and symbols of The Holy Spirit, and how it often appears as a Dove. Year 1 created some beautiful watercolour paintings of what The Holy Spirit may look like to them, and how they thought it may have appeared to the disciples.