In Religious Education, we have been learning about the Sacrament of Marriage. To help us to understand the importance of the commitment, we were really lucky to have Father Philip come to visit us. He came to talk to us about the Sacrament of Marriage and to answer some of our questions.

He began by reading a passage from Genesis, which explained the creation of man and woman. We learned that men and women were created to be life-long partners. We learned that Eve came from Adam’s rib and from this we know that man and woman are destined to be one body. It was God’s wish for Adam and Eve to be fruitful and have a family.

We know that families are built around marriage and should last a life-time. Because marriages are so important, we must ask God for His help as we undertake this commitment and promise.

With Father Philip, we spoke about the different weddings that we have been to. He also mentioned weddings that take place in St James’s Church, where a man and woman come together, wanting God to bless them and knowing that God can help them through any issues that they have. Father Philip spoke about the special words that the bride and groom will say to one another during their promises. These promises involve statements such as “through sickness and in health”, which we discussed in class, and reminded ourselves of the life-long commitment to one another, especially if one partner becomes ill.

Father Philip told us that marriage is a vocation and God calls people to this. We also learned more about the rings being a sign of love and fidelity.

In class, we have created a guide to the marriage ceremony. We focused on the four key parts:

  1. Promises
  2. Blessing and Giving of Rings
  3. Signing the Register
  4. Nuptial Blessing

We summarised what happens during each stage and drew symbols to represent these in our guides. We then designed the front covers with the challenge to include the scripture Genesis 2:24 in our work.

Well done, Year 5. I am very impressed with your hard-work and your dedication to produce beautiful and thoughtful work in your most special subject. 

Thank you to Father Philip for helping to deepen our understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage. We truly appreciate all that you do for our school community. 

What did you learn from Father Philip?

One comment on “Religious Education: The Sacrament of Marriage

  1. PhilippaY5 says:

    I loved drawing and colouring about the sacraments of marriage in RE. I loved when father Philip came to answer our questions and told us more about it.

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