Thank you to our local policemen, PC Troy and PCSO Sharma who visited our school to today and led  two informative assemblies.

Firstly, Reception and Key Stage 1 attended an assembly to find out more about the good work that the police do and how they keep us safe.

We liked learning about the policemen and what they do. They can help you if you can see your mummy or daddy or if you are lost. They taught us to ring 999. The police help us to be safe.” ML & WR Yr 1

The next assembly was for Key Stage 2 and was about safe use of the internet.

We learnt that everything on the internet can be traced. We also learnt that you shouldn’t do anything on the internet that you wouldn’t do in real life such as playing a game with a stranger. PC Troy talked about the age you could be on different sites. The assembly taught me a lesson about not going on sites that are not for my age and that you should never put the wrong age as you must always tell the truth. It was a very useful assembly.” TM & MS


Police 09.11.16