We hope you enjoy the film of the highlights of our time at Sayers Croft as well.

We all had a great time as you will see!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

8 comments on “Sayers Croft – The Film!

  1. Rauliana Rocha says:

    It is so good to see them happy and to see how much they have evolved and grown up in St Vincent’s. I do not even know how to thank all of you teams of teachers and directors who support and teach our children each day to grow and be able to walk alone. Just to think that this is the last year of Julia V, change school from a grip in the heart, thank you to all who have provided these wonderful days.

  2. It was great fun, I wish I could do it again.
    My favourite part was the high ropes.

  3. I really loved Sayers Croft. It was so much fun even if it rained. I wish it lasted longer. It passed so quickly. My favourite activity was the High ropes, the Gladiator challenge and the stream walk.

  4. It was so fun, it was kind of sad when it was all over, but after all we were all happy to see our parents after 4 nights.

  5. Sayers croft was amazing! I had loads of fun.

  6. I enjoyed the whole Sayers croft so much.

  7. Sayers Croft was so much fun, we all had a great time there and the activities were amazing.

  8. I really liked the film because when I went on the zipline and I went flying and it was sooo fun and also I liked the when we were climbing on the ropes and I went really hight I actually went to the top.

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